Marine Corps Civil Military Operations School
Marine Corps Civil-Military Operations School
Weapons Training Battalion
Quantico, Virginia

The Marine Corps Civil-Military Operations School produces MOS trained Civil Affairs Marines who can assess the civil environment, identify civil considerations, and integrate them throughout the planning process and tactical execution.

MCCMOS provides training and education on Civil-Military Operations and Civil Affairs core competencies in order to support Operations in the Information Environment and MAGTF Operations throughout the conflict continuum.


To serve as the Marine Corps proponent for all facets of Civil Affairs and to be the focal point for CMO and CA doctrine, training, and standards.

Conduct formal MOS qualification training for enlisted personnel with comprehensive knowledge and skills in the 0531 and 0532 MOSs.

Conduct formal MOS qualification for officer in the 0530 MOS.

Conduct intermediate formal MOS progression training for enlisted personnel in the knowledge and skills as a CMO Chief, FMOS 0539.

Conduct intermediate formal MOS progression training for officers in the knowledge and skills as a CMO Planner, FMOS 0535.

Conduct initial training on the Marine Civil Information Management System (MARCIMS).

Conduct the Civil Affairs Integration Course for non-CA personnel.

Promote training and education in civil affairs operations core competencies and their nested functions.

​Civil Affairs activities (CAA): civil reconnaissance, civil engagement, civil information management (CIM), civil-military operations center (CMOC), CMO planning.

Military government operations (MGO): transitional military authority, support to civil administration.

Civil Affairs supported activities (CASA): foreign assistance, foreign humanitarian assistance, populace and resources control, civil-military engagement. 

Promote training and education in the Mission Essential Tasks, Conduct Civil-Military Operations and Civil Affairs Operations.

Provide Mobile Training Teams for CMO and CA training as required.


Civil-Military Operations (CMO)

The activities of a commander, performed by designated civil affairs or other military forces, that establish, maintain, influence, or exploit relationships between military forces and indigenous populations and institutions, by directly supporting the attainment of objectives relating to the reestablishment or maintenance of stability within a region or host nation. 

Civil Affairs Operations (CAO)

Consists of the following core competencies and their nested functions:

  1. Civil Affairs Activities; civil reconnaissance, civil engagement, civil-information management (CIM), civil-military operations center (CMOC), CMO planning.

  2. Military government operations; transitional military authority, support to civil administration (SCA).

  3. Civil Affairs supported activities; foreign assistance, foreign humanitarian assistance (FHA), populace and resources control (PRC), civil-military engagement.

MCCMOS is the Proponent for Civil Affairs and serves as the focal agency for CMO education and training issues in order to meet the Marine Corps' CMO education and training requirements.  The objectives of MCCMOS include:

  • Integrate CMO in the Marine Corps training and education continuum

  • Provide CMO training and education resources for Operating Forces

  • Execute all Civil Affairs MOS-related training

  • Coordinate CMO training and education with other DoD and interagency organizations

  • Provide outreach to International and Non-governmental Organizations (IO/NGO) for the purpose of CMO training/education

  • Facilitate CMO doctrine development of MCTP 3-03A MAGTF-CMO

  • Facilitate doctrinal development and integration of "Green Cell"

  • Facilitate doctrinal development and integration of Civil Preparation of the Battlespace 

  • Conduct the Civil Affairs MOS Courses

  • Conduct the CMO Planner Courses

MCCMOS is located aboard MCB Quantico, VA.

The Civil Affairs MOS Course is a two-phase course:  Phase 1 is a one-week, self-paced online course on the Marine Net Moodle platform; Phase 2 is a 4-week resident course in MCB Quantico, VA.  This course is open to any MOS. Upon successful completion Officers and Enlisted Marines receive the Civil Affairs MOS (0530, 0531 or 0532). The Marine Corps Civil Affairs 0530 and 0531/0532 Courses are designed as the MOS qualifying course for active duty and reserve Marine Corps Civil Affairs (CA) personnel who will be assigned duties as Civil Affairs specialists and CMO planners/Staff NCOs who will conduct CMO planning and integration of CMO into MAGTF operations and perform a variety of tactical CMO-related tasks, such as area assessments, property control, and project management.

Students attending MCCMOS are not permitted to miss any scheduled training.  Failure to adhere to this will result in academic disenrollment.   

Marines filling CA/CMO billets have seat priority. 

Majors with more than 4 years TIG and above are ineligible to attend the 0530 course.


Travel to the course must be completed the Sunday Prior to the start date, and return travel must be the Saturday following a course, training will not be abbreviated to meet your travel plans.  Please do not schedule return flights prior to 1630 on Friday, the last day of the course.


Students not living in the local area are required to secure lodging at Liversedge Hall (Quantico BOQ 703-784-3149). If none is available it is the Marine's responsibility to obtain a certificate of non-availability (CNA). During Phase 2 - Week 4, you are required to check out of your lodging on Monday since you will be in a "field" status. Billeting during Phase 2 - Week 4 (to include those residing in the local area) is in the field. You may secure your personal belongings at the MCCMOS facility. 

CA MOS courses for FY23

1-23: Phase 1:  21 - 27 Feb;  Phase 2:  6 Mar - 31 Mar

2-23: Phase 1:  3 - 9 Apr;  Phase 2:  17 Apr - 12 May

3-23: Phase 1:  24 - 30 July;  Phase 2:  7 Aug - 1 Sep

The CMO Planner Course is a two-week Civil Affairs progression course.  This course is open to Officers and Enlisted personnel from all services who will conduct CMO planning and integration of CMO into operations throughout the conflict continuum. This course provides the practical and technical skills required for Marine Corps officers and enlisted personnel to succeed as a CMO Planner in support of MAGTF operations. This training is mission oriented, with a maximum use of hands-on CMO doctrinal procedures during practical exercises.  Marine graduates receive FMOS 0535 CMO Planner for officers and FMOS 0539 CMO Chief for enlisted.

Course pre-requisites: Majors and SNCOs with the 0530/0531/0532 MOS.  No waivers will be permitted for SMCR/IMA Marines.  Personnel filling CMO Planner billets have priority.  

Students attending MCCMOS are not permitted to miss any scheduled training. Failure to adhere to this will result in academic disenrollment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Please do not schedule return flights prior to 1930 on Friday, the last day of the course.


Students in the CMO Planner Course are required to secure lodging at Liversedge Hall (Quantico BOQ 703-784-3149).  If none is available it is the Marine's responsibility to obtain a certificate of non-availability (CNA).                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

There is no gear required for the CMO Planner Course but a laptop and thumb drive is recommended. 

CMO Planner Courses for FY23

1-23: 5 - 16 Dec (2022)

2-23: 30 Jan - 10 Feb 

3-23: 5 - 16 Jun

4-23: 18 - 29 Sep

The Civil Affairs Integration Course is a new course that introduces Civil Affairs products, processes and capabilities to other planners and information related capabilities to integrate to harmonize effects.  There is no MOS awarded upon the completion of this course.  Resident courses and MTTs will be determined at a later date.

MCCMOS served as the lead agency organizing and providing the USFOR-A mandated Counter Insurgency Leaders Course.  These courses lasted 5 days and remain an off-the-shelf capability that MCCMOS maintains if it becomes a pre-deployment requirement for Battalion Commanders and their staffs again.

Force Headquarters Group
New Orleans, LA 
PHONE:  504-616-9448

1st Civil Affairs Group
Camp Pendleton, CA
(760) 224-9463

2D Civil Affairs Group
Joint Base Annacostia Bolling, D.C.
(202) 641-6401

3D Civil Affairs Group
Naval Station Great Lakes, IL
(847) 722-9073

4th Civil Affairs Group
Hialeah, FL
(305) 628-5150

I MEF Civil Affairs Detachment
Camp Pendelton, CA
Operations: (760) 725-3770

Camp Pendleton

II MEF Civil Affairs Detachment 
Camp Lejeune, NC
Det OIC: (910) 450-9476
Det SNCOIC:(910)450 -9475

III MEF Civil Affairs
Camp Courtney, Okinawa
Operations: DSN (315) 622-2915

Civil Affairs Unit Locations Map                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Marine Forces Reserve