Contact Us
Weapons Training Battalion Unit Logo
Weapons Training Battalion
Quantico, Virginia

Office: 703-784-5341 
Mobile: 703-675-2273 

Company First Sergeant


Company Commander



 Adjutant 703-784-5058
Admin Chief  703-784-5018
Administrative Assistant 703-784-5343
Admin Specialist/Mail Clerk 703-784-5533        


Security Manager 703-784-5526
EKMS Manager 703-432-2715


Operations Officer 703-432-6965
Assistant Operations Officer 703-784-6759
Operations Chief 703-784-6762
C476 Sponsor (Marksmanship/Scout Sniper) 703-784-6682
Training Chief 703-784-5997
Scheduling NCO (Ranges) 703-432-6703


Logistics Officer 703-784-6758
Logistics Chief 703-784-4612
Supply Officer 703-432-2699 
Facilities SNCOIC 703-432-4599
Ammunition/Storage 703-784-1980
Ammunition Duty Cell 703-296-3064
Barracks Manager 703-784-4599


Information Systems Coordinator 703-784-5022

Provides institutional marksmanship instruction to Entry-Level Training at The Basic School, provide Unit Commanders with an additional resource of graduates (Marines) who have obtained the required knowledge, skills and capacity to conduct combat marksmanship and small arms training in techniques, procedures, and theory in order to provide Marine Corps units the ability to coach and train their Marines in Marine Corps Combat Marksmanship.

Contact Us
Officer-in-Charge (703)432-6952
CMC/CMT Course Chief  
C476 Sponsor (703)784-6682
WTBN OOD/Cell (703)784-5341


CMC Welcome Aboard 15-Jul-2019 287 KB   Download
M02M859, Class 2023R01, MARFORRES CMC Course Welcome Aboard 1.13 MB   Download
CMT Welcome Aboard 15-Jul-2019 288 KB   Download
45 KB   Download
Contact Us
MPMS Director 703-784-5161
Deputy Director 703-784-5217
MPMS SNCOIC 703-784-5061
Rifle Program 703-784-1179
Pistol Program 703-784-1178

Provide Marines and other services with Scout Sniper training in preparation for duty as a Scout Sniper within a Scout Sniper Platoon of an infantry battalion, reconnaissance unit and Marine Special Operations Unit. Provide Marines and other services with Scout Sniper Team Leader training in preparation for duty as a Scout Sniper Team Leader within the Scout Sniper Platoon of an infantry battalion. Provide Marine Officers and Sergeant through Gunnery Sergeant with Scout   Sniper Unit Leader training in preparation for duty as a Chief Scout, Platoon Sergeant, or Platoon Commander of a Scout Sniper Platoon in an infantry  battalion or as a Reconnaissance Platoon Commander. Serve as the doctrinal proponent for Marine Corps Warfighting Publication 3-15.3 and Marine Corps Reference Publication 3-15.3a. Act as liaison with Training Command and other scout sniper formal learning centers and ensure all formal instruction is uniform throughout the service. Creates and trains Marine Corps Scout Snipers.  This is accomplished through multiple axis of attack, which include training and education, doctrine development, and research and development. 

Officer-in-Charge (703)432-6718
SNCOIC (703)432-6717
WTBN OOD/Cell (703)784-5341

M02M729 MOEC Welcome Aboard 23-Sept-2023

Contact Us
Shooting Team OIC (703) 784-5450
Shooting Team SNCOIC (703) 784-5275
Rifle Team OIC (703) 784-0618
Rifle Team SNCOIC (703) 784-5131
Action & Pistol Team OIC (703) 784-5539
Pistol SNCOIC    (703) 784-5548
Action SNCOIC (703) 784-0617


  Financial Worksheet 1.74 MB Download
  FY24 CIAP Schedule and Coordinating Instructions 104.39 KB Download
  I&I Duty Checklist 1.80 MB Download
  Shooting Team Request Table of Contents 14.88 KB Download
  USMC Marksmanship History Template 20151014 15.19 KB Download

Competition in Arms Program Resources

Officer-in-Charge (703)784-6861
SNCOIC (703)784-5142
PWRC Chief                (703)784-2053
WTBN OOD/Cell (703)784-5341
Academics Director 703-784-5353
Curriculum Manager 703-784-6683
Training Specialist 703-784-6681/6680

WTBn periodically hosts recreational firing events on the Calvin A Lloyd range complex, please refer to their calendar for the most up to date information.

The use of government weapons and ammunition is not authorized during recreational fire.


The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office will serve as the single point of contact to facilitate victim support services, promote sexual assault training and awareness, and provide policy and program assistance to commands located aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico.

The objectives of Installation’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program are to specifically enhance and improve:

  • Prevention through training and education programs

  • Treatment and support of victims

  • System accountability


MCINCR-MCBQ Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Office (SAPRO)
715-A Broadway Street
Marine Corps Association Annex, 3rd Floor
Quantico, VA 22134
Office Hours: 0800-1700

MCINCR-MCBQ 24/7 Sexual Assault Support Line
(703) 432-9999, 24-hours/7-days a week

MCINCR-MCBQ Installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
(703) 784-3557

MCINCR-MCBQ SAPR Project Officer/SAPR Victim Advocate
(703) 784-3557

MCINCR-MCBQ SAPR Program Assistant/SAPR Victim Advocate
(703) 432-1419

MCINCR-MCBQ Civilian SAPR Victim Advocates
(703) 784-3776
(703) 784-3836

Regional Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC)
(703) 784-4514


The Department of Defense has many resources available to help Service members coping with an experience of sexual assault. Whether you just wish to chat with someone about your concerns or want to start the reporting process, support is just a phone call or click away.

As daily challenges continue due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DOD wants everyone to know that assistance for sexual assault remains available for all Service members and their adult dependents. For those who wish to find a resource, talk through a crisis, or even report a crime, the following services are available to help:

Safe Helpline

DOD Safe Helpline, established in 2011, is the sole hotline for members of the DOD community affected by sexual assault. The 24/7 Safe Helpline is a completely anonymous, confidential, and specialized service to provide help and information to members of the military community anytime, anywhere. While Safe Helpline cannot take reports of sexual assault, hotline workers can connect you directly with your local Sexual Assault Response Coordinator or Victim Advocate. In addition to providing support and resources to survivors of sexual assault, Safe Helpline serves friends and family members, intimate partners, and supports the work of military stakeholders. These resources include crisis and mental health resources available or established through the DOD, which can be accessed through the Safe Helpline 24/7.

  • Responders Near Me

    • Responders Near Me is Safe Helpline’s comprehensive database of military and civilian sexual assault service providers. The Responders Near Me database is a quick and easy way to facilitate contact with the appropriate and desired resources on-base or in your local area.

  • Safe HelpRoom

    • Safe HelpRoom is an online group chat service that allows survivors of sexual assault in the military to connect with and support one another in a moderated and secure online environment.

  • Safe Helpline App for iOS and Android

    • The Safe Helpline app is a free mobile resource created to meet the unique needs of members of the DOD community affected by sexual assault. The app can facilitate 24/7 support through the Safe Helpline phone and online helplines. The app can be especially beneficial for survivors stationed outside of the United States (OCONUS) who are facing additional limitations accessing resources.

Military OneSource
While Safe Helpline is the place to get assistance for a sexual assault, Military OneSource has a variety of services for other matters, including:

  • Non-medical counseling

    • Military OneSource provides non-medical counselors offering confidential sessions by secure video (Telehealth), online chat, telephone, or in person. Counselors can help with everyday stressors, feelings of isolation, and anxiety, as well as challenges due to COVID-19.

  • Military and Family Life Counseling Program

    • Military OneSource links service members, their families and survivors to non-medical counseling available worldwide on military installations. This confidential non-medical counseling addresses issues such as improving relationships at home and work, stress management, adjustment difficulties, parenting, and grief or loss.

  • Resilience tools and apps

    • Military OneSource offers a variety of resilience tools and well-being apps. Tap into these to help manage stress, strengthen your relationships and meet your goals. These tools include:

      • CoachHub connects you with experts who can help you set and meet goals.

      • MoodHacker lets you track, understand and improve how you’re feeling.

Military Crisis Line
The Military Crisis Line, text messaging service, and online chat provide free victim assistance support for all Service members, including members of the National Guard and Reserve, and all Veterans, even if they are not registered with Veterans Affairs or enrolled in VA health care.

  • If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Military Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, then press 1, or access online chat by texting 838255.

  • For online support: Veterans Crisis Line


To preserve dignity and promote respect for all Marines and other Armed Forces personnel, uniformed and civilian, that are assigned to, or serving with, Marine Corps units by ensuring a clear and common understanding of the prohibited activities and conduct addressed in MCO 5354.1G, their intolerable and corrosive effects on our institution, and proper prevention and response actions.

The Marine Corps is built on the trust and teamwork shared between individual Marines and their leaders. Inherent in this trust is the understanding that fair, scrupulous, and unbiased treatment is the Marine Corps leadership standard. In keeping with this leadership philosophy, equal opportunity will be applied in every command policy, action, and program.
The responsibility for accomplishing equal opportunity is not dependent on authority or solely the function of any special staff officer. Rather, all Marines are expected to promote camaraderie among individuals, regardless of age, color, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin, by setting an example of unprejudiced actions and identifying unfair practices to higher authority via the chain of command.

Unlawful discriminatory practices within the Marine Corps are counterproductive and unacceptable. Discrimination undermines morale, reduces combat readiness, and prevents maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’ most vital asset, its people.


Equal Opportunities Coordinator
GySgt George A Goking
Office: (703) 784-0462

MCO 5354.1G
NAVMC 11512
NAVMC 11513